To Achieve Happiness


Bahasa Indonesia 

MOKSARTHAM JAGADHITA YA CA ITI DHARMAH, is to achieve happiness in the world, jagadhita, and happiness in the in future, . Jagadhita or bhukti, means the prosperity and happiness of every person, community, or country. Moksa or mukti, means to achieve freedom of soul, jiwatman, spiritual happiness in the hereafter, in the eternal and immutable world. All can be achieved by implementing true dharma.

The word dharma comes from the ancient religions of India and is found in Hindu and Jain teachings as well as Buddhist. Its original meaning is something like "natural law." Its root word, dham, means "to uphold" or "to support." In this broad sense,common to many religious traditions, dharma is that which upholds the natural order of the universe. This meaning is part of the Buddhist understanding also. In terms of Buddhism, Dharma (Sanskrit) or dhamma (Pali) is a word Buddhists use often. It is the second gem of the three jewels -- Buddha, dharma, sangha. The word is often defined as "the teachings of the Buddha," but don't think of dharma as just a label for Buddhist doctrines. It means something more than that.

One of the goals set forth in Catur Artha Purusa or Purusartha is to carry out dharma. The word dharma in terms of spirituality is often interpreted as religion, so that the name of hindu religion is often called the Hindu Dharma. The word dharma is actually derived from sanskrit, from the vein of "dhr" which means to uphold, manage, maintain and guide. Dharma means the law that regulate and maintain the offered world, and also reform or return the universe and its contents to the origin.

The law of dharma covers a very broad scope of the universe and all creatures inside. Dharma means the teachings of the holy, sacred obligations, and regulations that maintain and lead human to reach the perfection of life.   Dharma cause of happiness, prosperity, and peace of society. Dharma also means good behavior. Dharma leads to free human from spirit of reincarnation and to gain moksa.

In the sloka of Mahabharata, Dharma is said to come from the word "dharana" that means to support and to manage. With dharma all creatures are set and maintained. All of nature, plants and animals are governed by dharma. Harmony and welfare of mankind comes from dharma. Carry out the noble mind for human welfare is the goal of Dharma. In Sarasamuccaya scripture, the word dharma means “the path to the heaven”. It is the cause of the way to heaven, like a boat, a tool for merchants across the ocean.

Be satisfied if a person has performed his/herself duties and obligations well, a swadharma. A person who aware of his/her own duties and obligations will be satisfied carry out his/her duties and obligations as appropriate to talents and abilities. He chose the duties and obligations because he/she liked it. He will carry out the task with a full sense  of responsibility and with great enthusiasm. Described in the Bhagawatgita,  it is better to fulfill his/herself obligations even though there is no perfect completion of the task rather than to fulfill others although well. Better to die in the task of his/herself rather than the task of another person.

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